The Triplicity of Trump: Terror, Targeting and Tinseling
Trump is many things but three are particularly troubling as we lurch forward toward Election Day. And by the by, I think the election outcome will not be known on that democratic Tuesday. I reckon there will be challenges galore.
But the three T’s in the title are what’s got my blood boiling: creating a culture of fear (sadly, it works); targeting subgroups with the population for negative attention (actually a form of bullying); and dressing up untruths so effectively that they sparkle day and night (like holiday tinsel).
It seems it doesn’t matter what Trump his, his believers and would be believers march along unfazed and undeterred. This the danger of the three T’s.
But I recently realized something about the political landscape as I tried to rail against the T’s: it doesn’t matter. Trump is not the real problem. Here’s why.
A friend suggested, brilliantly I might add, that Trump is actually a puppet — only he doesn’t know it. His deep Red money backers are using him to push a frightening agenda. And these backers stay behind the proverbial cushion. They actually don’t care what Trump says as long as he wins. The T’s don’t matter.
Got that? This isn’t about Trump. He’s actually not the main show. The monied backers behind Project 2025 and anti-abortion and anti-books and anti-immigration and anti- taxes and anti-environmentalism and anti-women and anti-minorities are the real show. That’s where the power sits.
So I’ve been railing about the wrong person and the wrong thing. Trump’s merely a figurehead in a way more serious and dangerous reality that threatens our Democracy with a Capital D.
And you know what makes Vance so scary? He gets it. He sees the real game. He’s playing Trump and us. He sees the prize and unlike his running mate, he knows exactly what he is doing.
Please vote. Don’t necessarily vote for the candidate. Vote for who will insure a Democracy for our now fragile nation. Vote recognizing the agendas of those behind the curtain. Take a peak and see whose money you prefer. For me, the Red money is frightening. It’s really frightening. Even scarier than Trump. Actually, it is scarier by a long distance.