ESharing Remarkable Kindness
Many of you have been following my saga of my terrible, bad acting, mean neighbor. Today involved more time on this issue than I wanted to spend. But I am getting better at cutting the bad behavior of others out from my personal life. Long long story short, I refused to do my neighbor (and her family’s) bidding. Life is basically too short and too fragile to allow bad actors to occupy time and space in one’s private life.
Remember Jack Nicholson’s character’s line from the movie As Good As It Gets that went something like this as I recall when a neighbor knocked on his door: “You can’t sell crazy here today. We’re already too stocked up.”
Time for me actually and finally to learn that it is not my responsibility to be the caretaker of takers. Read that sentence again: we don’t need to spend even one nanosecond of our personal energy on energy suckers.
In that light, we need to be surrounded by good people and good situations. Read the below and enjoy. Oh, the photo above was from a reading I did with children last week where I dressed up in a costume and threw feathers in the air which the wee ones in attendance collected and placed in velvet sacks I had given them. Joyful. And I shared that joy with students tonight. Yup. Positives even in the midst of a world gone mad.
Read on:
Yup. There is good. Draw those boundaries. Yes. Allow in good people. Yes. Spend time and energy on what matters to you and brings you joy. Teaching does that for me. And how wonderful that that joy is multiplied by the graciousness of another.