Friendship: The Ship and the Real Deal!
This morning, I posted the below attached blurb on social media. Peruse it as it’s an opportunity reflect upon and ponder the true meaning of friendship. To be sure, friendship is a tricky concept….but friendships are hugely valuable and needed. True non-synthetic friendships can provide enormous joy.
We don’t need 100 acquaintances, although there are benefits to acquaintance relationships. We need,instead, a handful or two of real friends. Given the time it takes to nurture friendship and grow friendship and maintain friendship (different ages and stages), we can’t manage 100 friendships…. Not real friendships anyway…. 5 or 10 or maybe 15 seem like a better quantification.
And how coincidental that the ship Friendship appearing above and below is literally and figuratively parked outside my window for the next 8 months. Just as I wrestle with friendship and acknowledge my neighbor’s inability have reciprocity in a friendship (she deems reciprocity unnecessary and perhaps worse, she can’t do it), there she appeared. Wow!
The morning blurb:
There she is: beautiful friendship for all to see … me included.