Consider these Words….
Ponder and re-read these words from Brian Bacon, posted on social media and appearing below. I share them because we need to reflect on who is capable of showing empathy and who can’t and the whys for the various answers.
I am interested in these issues for many reasons, including because of criticism I receive(d) for calling out meanness, the absence of empathic responses and bad behavior. And I do not back off even when threatened.
I think I understand why folks would prefer I stop blogging about meanness and failures to redress wrongs, especially if they see themselves or folks they know embodying the negative described behaviors. Perhaps, they don’t like the painted picture, even if it is 100% accurate. Perhaps they worry that others will see them or their family or friends in the descriptions. As the old saw goes, if the shoe fits….
Here’s my response to them as plainly as I can state it:
“No one needs to, nor is required to, read what I write. No one is asking readers to like my positions or to agree with me. But, if what I write touches a nerve, there might be a reason. Look in the mirror. That might help you process. And, if you aren’t willing to take steps and support steps both small and large to better the lives of others, ask yourself this two word question: Why not?”
It is vastly easier to criticize others and ask them to back down than to self-reflect and learn and grow through collective and concerted efforts to make our world a better place. It resembles the old saw about killing the messenger because one doesn’t like the messsge. Guess what: trying to kill the messenger actually doesn’t kill the message; it just turns up the heat on the stove.
To be revelatory about my sources, I learn day in and day out and I often write about what I learn through reading or teaching or watching human behavior or processing life’s exigencies; I write about lived experience. I do what educators do: learn. Of course I make mistakes as do we all, and I see them as opportunities to do better, rather than stomping off and exercising self-righteousness and failing to even see the need to apologize.
Of course, you can ask me to stop writing/ advocating/ acting; free speech allows that. But it isn’t going to cease a lifelong effort to curb meanness and stop damage to our communities and most vulnerable inhabitants. Ask away but I won’t be stopping. Actually, I can’t stop. You’ll just have to stop reading or probe why you keep on reading…
Now Bacon’s words:
Consider these words often as one moves through one’s day and as one takes to criticizing those who stand up to meanness in others and try unendingly and perhaps Quixotically to improve our world, locally and nationally and globally. Stated another way, if you won’t or can’t be kind and decent, take your oar out of the water and let others row life’s boat forward toward the betterment of humankind.